Skyllen Pacific is planning a strata condo tower and two rental buildings on Pendrell Street in Vancouver’s West End.
The site at 1116-1140 Pendrell Street is currently home to a market rental building with 16 units and one strata residential building, both of which will be demolished to make way for the new project.

The design, by W.T. Leung Architects Inc. for Skyllen Pacific includes:
- 18 storey market condominium tower
- two three-storey market rental buildings along Pendrell Street between Thurlow and Bute Streets
- 109 market units
- 16 market rental units
- four levels of underground parking.
The architects say the proposed 175’ height does not conform with the West End Community Plan guidelines of 110’ building heights in the Mole Hill neighbourhood, However, they say a building form at 110’ in height would result in a much lower and wider building. They are pitching a “tower in the park” design in which a tall, slim tower frees up the ground plane for a generously landscaped site while allowing for site permeability.

The tower massing is inspired by books standing on end of varying heights, shifting back and forth, and the façade will be clad in burgundy brick masonry along the side elevations and cream-coloured terracotta panels along the front and laneway elevations.
Renderings: Skyllen Pacific West End tower